Sunday, November 09, 2008


"You gotta serve somebody." - Bob Dylan

i have been privileged to serve many people in my life
whether they have been teachers, employers, friends, or
strangers. "Let me help" is one way of saying "I love you"
to paraphrase a quote from "City on the Edge of Forever".
i have also served people as a leader of social groups.
Service to others is a form of ministry. It is a natural
progression into a personal Dominant/submissive
(D/s) relationship.

i have been privileged to serve in past D/s relationships.
The duties of service included light housekeeping (dishes,
bathrooms, sweeping, taking out the trash), attending
social functions (theatre, concerts, movies, parties),
bathing, giving massages, washing the car, gardening,
going to the grocery, running errands, and serving a
s traveling companions. These duties varied according
to the individuals being served.

The feelings of pleasing Someone can include euphoria,
satisfaction, and deep contentment. Disappointing or
displeasing Someone can feel scary or sad. Being a source
of Someone's happiness is a source of my happiness.